Thursday, September 30, 2010



Stop thinking and just do it already! We waste too much time procrastinating and thinking of the things we should do instead of just getting on with it. There is a time for everything and although it feels like the time is never enough to start actually start living, we are often stuck in the mundane. We have to create time; with effort and persistence it can be done. I will start my various journeys today, no excuses. Join me in the quest that is an adventurous life, well and truly lived.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010



The world is always bustling, a million things going on at the same time just like our minds. Curiosity rules us and in our bid to discover as much as we can, we overtax ourselves and take on more than we can handle. We have to find the quiet so we don’t go crazy, to preserve the delicate balance we have to know how much to take on before it’s too much and we are buried under the load of frustration. In silence and self reflection we can discover the true ‘us’ and what we are capable of. Seek lasting fulfillment not a temporary ease that’s ever so sweet yet so fleeting!

Monday, September 27, 2010

War :-)


Life is war, we can always take every precaution but there will be unexpected casualties. I am taking it back; the power to decide how I react to the outside forces, those things that are beyond my control. My reaction is the only tool in my bag of handling the unexpected. I choose joy and my relationship with sorrow and uncertainty is over. Life is short and fragile, kid gloves one minute and ‘big boy’ pants the next. Come on life, bring it, I am ready to fight.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Cheers :-)

Face your greatest fear so you can be free to live life to the fullest, with confidence take that first step of faith. What we don’t know always seems scarier than it actually is. Fear can be debilitating, eating us from the inside but we have to break those chains and seek a higher purpose. We are here for a reason and if we don’t leave fear behind us, we will never reach our full potential.
We should live like freedom is our birthright!!

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Perspective and choice, interesting how they complement each other; in the best of circumstances of course. The ability to see everything as it should be and judging it accurately is a gift we often take for granted, just like choice. The hardest thing to do is stay objective when our experiences color everything we see, hear, feel and say. We have to step out of our comfort zones and view things from other people’s eyes and empathize with them when we can or better yet have an independent point of view that has nothing to do with the choices we’ve made in the past. We tend to select what sits most comfortably with us when the opportunity and power to make that decision arises. We have to be worthy of our perspective when given the choice :-)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010



On a cold day I want to recapture the warmth of the sun, exactly as it felt on my skin on the day I sat under the clear sky but it’s for naught.
The splendor I once lived is gone and all I have is the pleasant, warm memory.
What we lose might be gone forever, never to be regained.
Treat each day as if it were the last and try to do everything right and with compassion for all.
Enjoy THIS moment for we will never recapture its glory AGAIN!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Life's Tale

This moment is just but a blimp in time, a pause in the movie that is life
I choose to live it like it was the entire play, an integral part in the story it will tell
Some moments will be fast paced, others slow, pain will come and go
So will love on its fleeting wings as we bask in its glory
Faithfully, day by day and with patience and care; I will laugh and live
As I weave the bits of my story, hoping I will be proud of the result...
At the end!

Friday, September 17, 2010



Any journey starts with a decision then a step. I want to know myself enough to know what track I should stay on and what new adventures I should pursue. Will I run, sprint, jog or just walk? I’ll start with self discovery and see where the path leads me and at whatever speed, I am sure a lesson will be learnt ……….. at the end.

Thursday, September 16, 2010



What is my purpose in this world? I read something that I will never forget; we should want to love and obey God like a fish that’s been taken out of water, how much do you think that fish needs to breathe? How about if we are thrown in the water, what would we be willing to do to get just one breath? It may sound desperate but living life fully is all about taking every opportunity presented to us and leaving whatever is holding us back behind. I never want to look back at anything with regret, I will define how I want to live and just do it!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010



Does the mirror ever lie or do we look and see a different reflection from what we expected? We sometimes get caught up in the daily grind and forget to look in the mirror; we don’t see the shadows under our eyes or anything hidden behind the surface. We are too busy getting by that we forget to actually stop and start living, as an escape that’s an awesome strategy; never having to take responsibility for things we’ve done, always having someone or something else to blame. We overindulge ourselves and in doing so avoid any harsh judgment from the face staring back at us, it becomes but a mirage of reality, our subterfuge LOL

Tuesday, September 14, 2010



What is my place on this stage that is life, will I ever find the perfect balance?
I seem to stagger around lost on too many occasions, I want to be calm even when the storm rises and threatens to displace my fulcrum. Am I able to stand my ground or be flexible when I need to be? How do I know what the right action is? Perfect equilibrium must be the hardest thing to figure out.I want to be poised at all times no matter what battles I fight, confident that I will emerge victorious in the end. I will not sway, I will not waiver, and I must sit on both sides of the lever equally.