Thursday, April 27, 2006

Funny story of the day!

Blossom and Sunny went to lunch, it was really cold outside and the restaurant they went to didn't have keroro so they decided to go to this dingy bar that they'd been eyeing. According to the reports, it was stocked very well and they were able to each down a drink in record time... a shot of patron is only $ 5.50. They have to take us there one day is all am saying!
Needless to say they were both in a very happy place when they went back to 'nation build' the lucky langrels :-)

Monday, April 24, 2006

Good times :-)

Good times, Good times.
- Being thrown out of Tremors courtesy of Ms. JukASS
- CP coming to visit with a cooler of Tuskers
- Kuraido San’s arrest – oh men
- Blossom & I hanyeing heavy at Pearl.. those shots DAYUM
- Almost hanyeing with DMX
- Crank calling ‘Heidi’ for an after party
- Flashers at the restaurant
- Miguel, his # and the language barrier 
- Someone hitting Meynah’s ‘baby’ and taking off so sad, he said
I'm still sad about the love of my life getting smacked around over the weekend

Let me paraphrase a few statements that have had a huge impact on me first.

In every statement there’s a reflection of the truth.
Stupidity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result.
Choice, not chance, determines one’s destiny.
Find out the rules to any game and you will be a worthy opponent.

In ending let me write two parts of songs I love..

Who am I by Casting Crowns
I am a flower quickly fading Here today and gone tomorrow
A wave tossed in the ocean
A vapor in the wind
Still You hear me when I'm calling Lord,
You catch me when I'm falling
And You've told me who I am
I am Yours, I am Yours

I can only imagine by Mercy Me
Surrounded by Your glory, what will my heart feel
Will I dance for you Jesus or in awe of you be still
Will I stand in your presence or to my knees will I fall
Will I sing hallelujah, will I be able to speak at all
I can only imagine

Be blessed and uplifted this day. PTL

Now to the lovey dovey stuff  LMFAORRL.

This is for the sunshine that I am when I think about us and what was, what could have been.. when I remember the sun kissed moments, the angel that believed in love and happy endings! Where art thou my dear? Those kisses that tugged on my heart strings and rose colored glasses that hid the suspicion, distrust and rest of the world was a glow in/with love.
I do miss that part of me and I often wonder if its lost with you eternally or is it just buried temporarily. Love is a burden that I might be willing to carry for the right man and at the right time but for now, life it too short and I am way too young to accept it.
Mang’aa team – Can u ‘hack’ it?

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Hanye catch up :-)

So much has happened in the past few weeks so let’s cram some of those memories on this blog ha ha ha!!
- Moved into the new spot, thank you girls & baby J
- We have a new baby, Welcome baby girl Moraa
- Who would believe we’d make it to the John, Wille & Franco’s bash, after the move?
- At the bash maad drama with Sig and the guy with the cooler, “eti, did u bring any beers here” He can keep his bud lights for all we care..
- The Smirnoff and the disappearing act thereafter
- Candy daring me to slap her, and getting more than she bargained for! LOL
- The chicken & rice drama from the hizzle and Sammie waking up and asking questions, yet she was enjoying heavy the night before.
- The mat at Shanton’s house (in the kitchen) needs to go!
- Going to Altitude with Mandi’s mum and madness taking a hold of us and driving to Shanton's since we were on the 15 and getting there at 4am
- Mirish & Wanja’s adventures to San Jose
- Going to the wedding in NC (Blossom & I) and getting there kerorod kabisa
- Since Meynah didn’t have his invite, he was Gilbert.. LOL until someone says “Gilbert, your wife is here” excuse me!
- Meynah & Blossom heavy 'lovey dovey' at the duck & dumpling zone.. too reydi, Nico & I reydi to be witnesses all the way!
- The wedding was beautiful until we found the bar at the Sheraton in downtown NC oh men! Speaking for myself ‘full monsta unleashed’
- Nico & Meynah racing outside the hotel cos they are used to the big city life and trying to out do each other in the push up area of course!
- Nico & Meynah leaving Blossom & I while shopping
- Sig falling asleep at the wheel, these nocturnal drives thaz all! (but worth it though)
- Missing our flight at 6am and getting 1st class tickets all the way to SD, they have it really good at the front WAT!
- It was nice chilling at the hibernian with our peeps. Ger created a choir chap chap and we entertained those peeps.
- Bright & early reported to the airport….
Looking forward to many other tuuuz.