Friday, July 15, 2011


Changes come when we least expect them, we might not be ready but we are left with no choice and we either embrace the change or struggle against it and tire ourselves out and eventually give up. I have learnt that burdens or difficulties are blessings in disguise and once we open ourselves up then a wealth of lessons is in store for us.
The people that walk the journey with us are the major blessing and lesson, some we wouldn't have given a second chance to even speak to us but in the moment we have to be patient and waiting gives us a chance to actually discover who they are. We don't ever walk away the same when we give them a chance to share a part of themselves to us and if we open ourselves up to the experience then we have an opportunity to offer something as well.
Transitions are what make life interesting, the different people that walk into our lives and how long they stay and what they leave behind. Some are there for just a short time and take away more than they bring in and others are there for a longer time and leave nothing then there are some that give and take equally.
What we have to take away from each experience is just the positive, whatever made us smile in the moment then we keep. The rest we discard with those that leave!


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