Monday, August 22, 2005

Weekend chilling

Do we know when we tumble into something? or do we wake up one day and we are in a relationship?
PKK came down this weekend and we had a blast as usual..
- Dropped off M.O.T.H at the hosy met up Mirish (everything will be sawa)
- Wanja and I were so thirsty on the way to the train station, 3 M's later we were reydi for this, on the way back Mami hooked up a s and r.b madness... PKK was shocked at the raucous
- 94th here we come, by 4:30 out of the house PKK ain't never seen!
- Kaz drama/saga with Sammie hilarious!!!!!!!
- Roy is crazy obviously.. to Sammie at Denny's..." .. inagaba wu wu wu.." and she understood plus the snail vibe too dead!
-Raq's graduation this weekend.
Thank you Lord for the blessings of family and friends.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Is Sunday our new Friday?

Friday was a good day for us, went to the Padres game, had beers and enjoyed the game.. yeah right.. as much as we could enjoy, had a decent seat thanks to Wanja.
- After went to the new place in downtown 22 floors up, a skybar and lounge called Altitude very reydi, nice view of the downtown area.. blanket incident of course and skyy and monsta.. crazy!
- Then to Camel's breath and McGregor's.. things were blurred at this point and of course an after party at Mungoma's where we worked heavy.. on the skyy.
- Patrick came down, what a nice surprise!!!!!
- Sunday was a whole other story....
 Lil Pris reading the blue blinking belt loudly “kula”
 Lil Pris begging Wanja for munyuz and humping her
 Sammie and Sunny getting down at the bar!
 PKK: “Ride me like a bronco, baby”
 Sammie to Jamaica : “Come her for a hug then”
 Sammie hollering on the phone asking where Wanja is when she’s right in front of her
 Sammie rocking Pat’s shirt, hanging on her jeans doing rounds
 Lil Pris chilling in the middle of the road in downtown
 Someone offering Sammie coffee drops next day
 Lil Pris staggering in the house in the morning
 The ‘Man of the House’ is sick, get well soon Kuraido san, him and Mirish at the ER all night and morning – pole sweeties

Thursday, August 11, 2005


May the road rise to meet you
May the wind be always at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face
May the rains fall soft upon your fields
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

May there always be work for your hands to do
May your purse always hold a coin or two
May the sun always shine on your window pane
May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His Hand.

May the hand of a friend always be near you
May God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you
May you appreciate beauty and find the best in others
May you never be lonely, but find constant and true friends
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

May you laugh often and much
May you win the respect and affection of people
May you earn the appreciation of honest critics
May you endure the betrayal of false friends
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Wednesday is a good day

- started off at El Torito in Mira Mesa Mirish, Sandra, Sammie, Wanja, Mandi, Ngretha, Foi, Amanda, Susie Q and her girls.... madness.. bartender wanted all the drinks on my tab.. crazy Luis...
- Alpha Blondy's concert at HOB, he performed his heart out and that guitarist OH MEN!!! how can peeps be so hot.
- Julian semad that it seems like Mandi has a problem with him talking to me eti she keeps pulling me when we are talking.
- Sammie flipped Habib then H. was like "I can't believe I invited you here then you are disrespecting my friend"
Sammie : How? I was doing that to Sarah
Sammie : "if you are Alpha's brother then sorry..
Sunny: :"or his agent..."

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

1st weekend of August

- Let the big dawgs roll, rough & hard.. right now you are just a puppy learning how to walk and bark, when you can keep up holla
- "I don't want your number, when we meet again, let's do this..." HST
- 6 shots at a go
- Got home at 6am

- Left the hanye at 8am can you say madness
- Stage presence wat! sweating bullets in the carpeted venue...
- Met Patrick - those dimples are to die for