Monday, October 08, 2007

My Heart

For the loved ones who are not here with us anymore… Bryan, Muema, Liz, Tim & Travis

I carry you in my heart always,
The years seem like days when I remember your smile
I want to see you then I remember that you are gone
It only seems like yesterday when I hugged you goodbye
I see you in my mind’s eye and I miss you
I know I love you and not even time dulls that love
When we see each other again in eternity
I will treasure every moment we will have.

The Lord brought the calm after the storm
It seemed at first that the days would always be cloudy
But I saw the sun peek behind the clouds
And I thought you smiled at me from above
I saw the rainbow and I remembered how dear you are to me
And I know that the Lord knows best
And that His plans are perfect and His love endures forever
And I cling to that promise with all that I am

My mind is unquiet at times as I grieve
My heart seems to break a little every time I wish for you
But I find comfort in the Lord’s presence
He loves you, He loves me, He loves us
And we are together in spirit forever
I am grateful for the times we had
And the so many memories we made
I carry you in my heart always.

In every way I thank Him who gives and takes away (casting crowns)


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